Struggles of a Teacher Person

Struggles of a Teacher Person
GEORGIA ROCKS! A road I drive on to work, lucky me!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday Run-down

1. Get up really early for Saturday School.
2. Go to Burger King and get breakfast.
3. Eat breakfast on the way to school.
4. Conduct Saturday School (roughly 8:00 to 12:00) and clean out office in my classroom.
5. Lunch with Snoopy.
6. Decide where amassed paperwork, notes, and other associated items should be put. (Yes, I do realize that I should be doing this routinely, but I am a big-time clutter bug.)
7. Get AWESOME new quotes to put up on bulletin board. (I hate doing bulletin boards, so I keep quotes up ALL the time. You elementary teachers with your elaborate bulletin boards and word-walls, etc. , my hat is off to you.)
8. Make notes on listing.
9. Return home.
10. Play with nephew. Annoy sister. (This is totally a two-fer.)
11. Go to Walgreen's to redeem my $5 gift certificate I got for getting their newsletter online. Purchase more Burt's Bees products.
12. Decide that I do want to eat something horrible for me. Instead, opt for some Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets, the best of the worst.
13. Surf a little.
14. Change my picture on my blog to a tree that is WAY more lovely than the picture I took with my phone shows. This tree has got to be over a century old. Just looking up through the branches totally Zens me out.
15. Type this list of what I've done today.
16. Go get ready for bed.
17. Sleep as long as I can.

What a great day!

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