Struggles of a Teacher Person

Struggles of a Teacher Person
GEORGIA ROCKS! A road I drive on to work, lucky me!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Happy Monday!

Wow! Today was really pretty good. I'm just very tired. It is rough working with tomorrow's future! Then, after school, we had the Georgia High School Graduation Test group. Fiona's group had a grand total of one attending, as did mine. Two kids will do REALLY well on the graduation test. Yipee! It's not for our lack of trying. What can you do?

I have got to get my lesson plans together. Ugh!

That and gym. #1!


Unknown said...

Please assuage my conscience and tell me you didn't go to BP on Sunday. I flaked out and fell asleep on the couch, waking at 2:30
I'm sorry that we didn't get to go out after. Don't give up on me.

teacherwoman said...

Uh.. no kiddin. The kids wear me out! :)