Struggles of a Teacher Person

Struggles of a Teacher Person
GEORGIA ROCKS! A road I drive on to work, lucky me!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I'm Tired

I feel totally ripped off. The whole "fall back" hoopla has left me exhausted. I woke up sixish this morning. Of course, church & Wal*Mart. I took a quick nap, saw some of the MOST STUPID EVER people on the Savannah mayor's debate. Even the moderators were foolish. UGGGHH!

To the gym. Elliptical and then BodyPump. Then a nice smoothie with Hippy Chick and Tiny Hippy Chick who can tell some awesome (and verbose) stories. Then I stopped by Sonny's for barbeque.

I have just vegged since. I think I'll nap now.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tiny Hippy Chick is definitely her verbose father's daughter.