Struggles of a Teacher Person

Struggles of a Teacher Person
GEORGIA ROCKS! A road I drive on to work, lucky me!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Happy for It to Be Saturday

I'm happy for it to be Saturday. You probably gathered that from the title of my entry. Y'all are just quick like that.

Last night, the basketball games were with our big rival. I spent the time from about 4 yesterday afternoon until 9 last night getting popcorn, hot dogs, AirHeads, etc. to people at the game. Walking on concrete for five hours tends not to be good for an overweight forty-year-old. I wore the appropriate shoes, but wow, that floor is hard. I've had to postpone my workout to try to see if my leg is gonna feel better.

I'm watching Bunnytown with my nephew, so I'll go now.

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