Struggles of a Teacher Person

Struggles of a Teacher Person
GEORGIA ROCKS! A road I drive on to work, lucky me!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Good-bye 2007, We Hardly Knew Ye. . .

This has been a good year for me, and, I hope, for you as well! Is it just my 40-year-old self or has this year flown by crazy fast? I can remember the end of last year. . . oh wait, I can't. I'm trying to think of what I did and I have no idea. It's not an alcohol situation. I haven't had an adult beverage in what, six months? Yep, that's about right.

Well, anyway, it's been a great year and 2008 will be better!

Happy new year to you all! Blessings to y'all and y'alls!

I'm planning on refining a few resolutions to post tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Looking forward to sharing 2008 with you. Love you..